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Web system for loans classification


AWS-based API and web interface for performance demonstration of various machine learning algorithms.

We have developed an API and user interface for the R-based backend to demonstrate a classification system for defaulted/non-defaulted loans, the system is based on the following points:

  • data loading and data encoding for categorical data types,
  • data normalization and pre-processing,
  • data sampling,
  • data classification and cross-validation for robust performance estimation.

Following the data set creation/selection and model setting up, users can access detailed graphic information about the classification performance using such metrics as MSE, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics, and ROC curves.

Datasets, models, and evaluation results are available for CSV export.

Key functionality:
  • Data processing
  • Dataset creation
  • Data visualization
  • CSV export
Development time
3 weeks 1 developer