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Account management system for dental clinics


The system was developed for dental clinics in Sweden. It is used to manage the orders for patients who use the services of connected clinics.

Payzmart is the modern way of invoicing patient costs.

The system was developed for dental clinics in Sweden. It is used to manage the orders (services) for patients who use the services of connected clinics.

Clinic staff enters the orders into the system, and invoices are issued in one click. Each order is added to the Paynova payment system so that patients could pay for the service provided. No credit cards, complicated procedures, or long application forms!

The patient can then choose to pay within 14 days free of charge or pay in installments for up to 24 months.

Great attention is paid to personal service both for the affiliated clinics and for their patients, as the experience at the time of payment is part of the overall experience of the treatment.

Payzmart makes everyday life easier and results in a great user experience.


Account management functions are:

  • billing;
  • canceling the invoice when the service was paid for;
  • providing a loan to the patient to pay for the order.

Clinic staff can manage orders, the administrator of the connected clinic can manage users (clinic staff) in the system: view, add, remove, edit. The main system administrator can manage the connected clinics, users, and orders, and change some service settings.

Users can log in using a username, password, and PIN, or a personal ID (SSN or taxpayer personal identification number).

The system sends SMS notifications to the patients about the status of their accounts.

Filtering by various criteria and sorting of lists are available.


Third-party services integrated:

  • When creating orders, the Paynova payment system is accessed to register the order;
  • To send SMS notifications, the Twilio service is used;
  • Location (country) of the user is determined by his IP address through the Geoplugin service;
  • The service is used to store activity records.
Development time
50 weeks 3 developers